

By default, Cronus and its sub-components have good default settings. However, not everything can be auto-configured, such as connection strings to databases or endpoints to various services.


Name Type Required Default Value
Cronus:BoundedContext string yes
Cronus:Tenants string[] yes
Cronus:ApplicationServicesEnabled bool no true
Cronus:ProjectionsEnabled bool no true
Cronus:PortsEnabled bool no true
Cronus:SagasEnabled bool no true
Cronus:GatewaysEnabled bool no true


Cronus uses this setting to personalize your application. This setting is used for naming the following components:

  • RabbiMQ exchange and queue names
  • Cassandra EventStore names
  • Cassandra Projection store names

Allowed Characters: Cronus:BoundedContext must be an alphanumeric character or underscore only: ^\b([\w\d_]+$)'


List of tenants allowed to use the system. Cronus is designed with multitenancy in mind from the beginning and requires at least one tenant to be configured in order to work properly. The multitenancy aspects are applied to many components and to give you a feel about this here is an incomplete list of different parts of the system using this setting:

  • Message - every message which is sent through Cronus is bound to a specific tenant
  • RabbitMQ exchanges and queues are tenant-aware
  • Event Store - every tenant has a separate storage
  • Projection Store - every tenant has a separate storage

Each value you provide in the array is converted and used further to lower.

Allowed Characters: Cronus:Tenants must be an alphanumeric character or underscore only: ^\b([\w\d_]+$)'

Example value: ["tenant1","tenant2","tenant3"]

Once set you could use TenantsOptions object via Dependency Injection for other purposes.


Specifies whether to start a consumer for the Application Services


Specifies whether to start a consumer for the Projections


Specifies whether to start a consumer for the Ports


Specifies whether to start a consumer for the Sagas


Specifies whether to start a consumer for the Gateways


Name Type Required Default Value
Cronus:Api:Kestrel configurationSection no
Cronus:Api:JwtAuthentication configurationSection no


The API is hosted with Kestrel.

By default, the API is hosted on port 7477.

A configuration could be provided by KestrelOptions. You can supply them directly in the DI or through a configuration file.


    "Cronus": {
        "Api": {
            "Kestrel": {
                "Endpoints": {
                    "Https": {
                        "Url": "https://*:7477",
                        "Certificate": {
                            "Subject": "*",
                            "Store": "My",
                            "Location": "CurrentUser",
                            "AllowInvalid": "true"


The API could be protected using a JWT bearer authentication.

The configuration is provided by JwtBearerOptions. You can supply them directly in the DI or through a configuration file.


    "Cronus": {
        "Api": {
            "JwtAuthentication": {
                "Authority": "",
                "Audience": ""



Name Type Required Default Value
Cronus:Persistence:Cassandra:ConnectionString string yes
Cronus:Persistence:Cassandra:ReplicationStrategy string no simple
Cronus:Persistence:Cassandra:ReplicationFactor int no 1
Cronus:Persistence:Cassandra:Datacenters string[] no


The connection to the Cassandra database server


Configures Cassandra replication strategy. This setting has effect only in the first run when creating the database.

Valid values:

  • simple
  • network_topology - when using this setting you need to specify Cronus:Persistence:Cassandra:ReplicationFactor and Cronus:Persistence:Cassandra:Datacenters as well


Name Type Required Default Value
Cronus:Projections:Cassandra:ConnectionString string yes
Cronus:Pojections:Cassandra:ReplicationStrategy string no simple
Cronus:Pojections:Cassandra:ReplicationFactor int no 1
Cronus:Pojections:Cassandra:Datacenters string[] no
Cronus:Pojections:Cassandra:TableRetention:DeleteOldProjectionTables boolean no true
Cronus:Projections:Cassandra:TableRetention:NumberOfOldProjectionTablesToRetain uint no 2


The connection to the Cassandra database server


Configures Cassandra replication strategy. This setting has effect only in the first run when creating the database.

Valid values:

  • simple
  • network_topology - when using this setting you need to specify Cronus:Projections:Cassandra:ReplicationFactor and Cronus:Projections:Cassandra:Datacenters as well




Enables deletion of old projection tables


Configures Cassandra number of old projection tables -> default: live table and 2 old tables


Cronus:Transport:RabbiMQ:ConsumerWorkersCount >> integer | Required: Yes | Default: 5

Configures the number of threads which will be dedicated to consuming messages from RabbitMQ for every consumer.

Cronus:Transport:RabbiMQ:Server >> string | Required: Yes | Default:

DNS or IP to the RabbitMQ server

Cronus:Transport:RabbiMQ:Port >> integer | Required: Yes | Default: 5672

The port number on which the RabbitMQ server is running

Cronus:Transport:RabbiMQ:VHost >> string | Required: Yes | Default: /

The name of the virtual host. It is a good practice to not use the default / vhost. For more details see the official docs. Cronus is not using this for managing multitenancy.

Cronus:Transport:RabbiMQ:Username >> string | Required: Yes | Default: guest

The RabbitMQ username

Cronus:Transport:RabbiMQ:Password >> string | Required: Yes | Default: guest

The RabbitMQ password

Cronus:Transport:RabbiMQ:AdminPort >> integer | Required: Yes | Default: 5672

RabbitMQ admin port used to create, delete rabbitmq resources


An implementation of Cronus.AtomicAction using distributed locks with Redis


Cronus:AtomicAction:Redis:ConnectionString >> string | Required: Yes

Configures the connection string where Redis is located

Cronus:AtomicAction:Redis:LockTtl >> TimeSpan | Required: No | Default: 00:00:01.000

Cronus:AtomicAction:Redis:ShorTtl >> TimeSpan | Required: No | Default: 00:00:01.000

Cronus:AtomicAction:Redis:LongTtl >> TimeSpan | Required: No | Default: 00:00:05.000

Cronus:AtomicAction:Redis:LockRetryCount >> int | Required: No | Default: 3

Cronus:AtomicAction:Redis:LockRetryDelay >> TimeSpan | Required: No | Default: 00:00:00.100

Cronus:AtomicAction:Redis:ClockDriveFactor >> double | Required: No | Default: 0.01