Application Services

This is a handler where commands are received and delivered to the addressed Aggregate. We call these handlers ApplicationService. This is the write side in CQRS.

Communication Guide Table

Triggered by Description
Command A command is used to dispatch domain model changes. It can either be accepted or rejected depending on the domain model invariants

Best Practices

{% hint style="success" %} You can/should/must...

  • an appservice can load an aggregate root from the event store
  • an appservice can save new aggregate root events to the event store
  • an appservice can establish calls to the ReadModel (not common practice but sometimes needed)
  • an appservice can establish calls to external services
  • you can do dependency orchestration
  • an appservice must be stateless
  • an appservice must update only one aggregate root. Yes, this means that you can create one aggregate and update another one but think twice {% endhint %}

{% hint style="warning" %} You should not...

  • an appservice should not update more than one aggregate root in single command/handler
  • you should not place domain logic inside an application service
  • you should not use application service to send emails, push notifications etc. Use Port or Gateway instead
  • an appservice should not update the ReadModel {% endhint %}


public class AccountAppService : AggregateRootApplicationService<Account>,
    public void Handle(SuspendAccount message)
        Update(message.Id, account => account.Suspend());
